Ready to get creative and bring your logo to life?

Using colors in branding
Your logo color palette says a lot about your brand and its personality. It can communicate everything from fresh and exciting to serious and edgy. Explore color meanings here to see what suits your business!
Green in branding
You’ll often see businesses using green to convey:
Commonly used in these industries
Gray in branding
Businesses often use gray in logos to convey:
Commonly used in these industries
Gold in branding
Gold frequently evokes a sense of:
Commonly used in these industries
Orange in branding
The color orange is often thought to be:
Commonly used in these industries
Yellow in branding
Yellow is typically believed to convey:
Commonly used in these industries
Blue in branding
Use your blue logo to build an emotional connection with your audience. Blue is often used to communicate:
Commonly used in these industries
Purple in branding
The color purple is typically associated with:
Commonly used in these industries
Pink in branding
Pink is generally thought to mean:
Commonly used in these industries
Red in branding
Red is commonly used to communicate:
Commonly used in these industries
Black in branding
The color black is often used to communicate:
Commonly used in these industries
Finding the right color scheme
Check out these easy tips that will help you get your logo colors just right.
Clarify your objectives
What do you need your logo to do for you? Impress a modern audience? Communicate history and experience? Each element of your logo (including your color palette) plays a key role in helping your business hit your goals. So, before you decide on colors, first write down your goals and objectives. Then construct each element of your logo with those goals in mind.
Understand your audience
Is your target audience young and vibrant or middle-aged and sophisticated? What are they searching for in a brand? What do they need to have confidence in before committing to doing business with you? These are all important questions to ask yourself as you start (or rebrand) your company, and the answers will help guide you to the colors that will bring your logo to life.
Determine your brand personality
This part is fun. Your brand personality is key to connecting with the target audience you just identified. And your color palette is going to help you communicate that personality. Centuries of research tell us that every color has a specific meaning and evokes certain emotions in people. As you consider what colors to include in your logo design, first think about what you want your audience to feel when they see it. Then match those emotions with the right colors and boom! Color palette chosen.
Let’s start designing
Creating a custom logo has never been easier. Or more fun. Just enter your company name and we’ll guide you every step of the way.